Our unparalleled global newsgathering syndicates content from CNN and more than 1,000 local news partners.
Our unparalleled global newsgathering delivers content to more than 1100 partners.
CNN Newsource services are fueled by the power of CNN, the world’s news leader. The breadth and depth of CNN’s coverage are unparalleled in the history of the news business.
With 36 domestic and international editorial operations and more than 1,000 local news partners in our network, CNN Newsource is the industry’s most powerful newsgathering resource and North America’s most widely-distributed syndicated news service.
CNN Newsource provides 24-hour digital distribution and eleven live digital satellite channels to create a compelling local newscast. CNN Newsource regional newsgathering experts are in the trenches with you -- to support as news develops, collaborate on key stories and gather news that matters to your audiences.
Local TV Stations
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100,000+ news items annually
Seven U.S. live channels
Four international live channels
Live custom + generic coverage
News packages
Local TV Stations | Radio Stations
Digital Publishers | Newspapers
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Text + photos that power CNN.com
Curated breaking, topical, viral video
One-stop digital video syndication
Films | Network & Cable TV | Museums
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Oscar- and Golden Globe-winning films
Emmy-winning TV programs
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Fortune 500 companies
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